The mission of the Infantry Brigades is to maintain the security of Sierra Leone borders within Brigade boundaries from both external and
internal threats, the latter being in achieved in support of the Sierra Leone Police (SLP), in order to set the security situation for sustainable
development in the country.
The Infantry Brigades provide effective command and control (C2) for their Infantry Battalions in order to enable the Joint Force Command (JFC) to execute
the RSLAF’s defence missions and tasks with the sole aim of fulfilling our constitutional role to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the State.
The Battalions conduct their activities in line with the Brigades’ concepts of operations taking cognizance of the JFC’s concept of operations. Each Battalion operates
one or two Forward Patrol Bases (FPBs) which serve as the eyes and ears of the Brigades.
The Brigades and Battalions support close contacts with host local authorities through routine security coordination meetings known as Provincial Security Committees (PROSECs),
District Security Committees (DISECs) and Chiefdom Security Committees (CHISECs).
The RSLAF comprises three (3) Infantry Brigades; namely:
Each Brigade maintains a Brigade Battle School (BBS) for the routine training of its battalions. The main tasks of the Brigades are:
2 Infantry Brigade
2 Infantry Brigade...
3 Infantry Brigade
3 Infantry Brigade (former Freetown Garrison) has its HQs in Tinma Barracks, Murray Town (Freetown) and covers the Western Area and North-West of the country. Its constituent Battalions and Stations are:
Due to its strategic location at the capital city (the seat of government), 3 Brigade is referred to as the centre of gravity. The Brigade has FPBs at Tower Hill in Freetown; and Yumkelia, Kukuna and Fodia in Kambia District. It also maintains Quick Reaction Forces (QRF) at Cockerill and Wellington.
4 Infantry Brigade
4 Infantry Brigade which has its HQs in Teko Barracks (Makeni) is responsible for the rest of the North and South-East of the country. It commands three (3) battalions; namely:
5 Infantry Brigade
5 Infantry Brigade has its HQs at Gondama Barracks (near Bo) and it is responsible for the entire South and the rest of the East of the country. It also has three (3) battalions under command; namely:
5 Brigade has its FPBs at Koindu and Bomaru in Kailahun District; Joru and Nomo Faiama in Kenema District and Jendema in Pujehun District.