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The RSLAF’S primary role and mission is to defend Sierra Leone’s territorial integrity against external aggressors. To achieve this, the RSLAF needs sufficient forces to secure Sierra Leone’s borders, land area and territorial waters.

Read the full RSLAF History here...


The RSLAF has three defence missions:

  • Defence Mission A: is to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Sierra Leone. Secure the citizens and Protect the important interests of the society and the state

  • Defence Mission B: is to support the government in effecting its policies, support the civilian authorities and the population with reconstruction, emergency response and ceremonial duties

  • Defence Mission C: is the Promotion of Wider National Interest which includes Peacekeeping Operations

  • Read the Detailed Background of JFC Structurehere...

    Functions of the JFC
  • Personnel Personnel...
  • Logistics Logistics...
  • Plans Plans...

    The Headquarters Joint Force Command brings the land, Maritime and the Air Wing together under the operational command and control of the Joint Force Command who is responsible for the planning and conduct of all RSLAF operations. The creation of the JFC enhances the capability of the RSLAF and ensures maximum efficiency in the use of resources to secure the territorial integrity of Sierra Leone and carry out Defence Missions and Military Tasks lay down by the Ministry of Defence.

    The RSLAF will be designed and equipped to meet a range of military tasks. This includes a robust maritime and air capability to support the land forces. Currently the majority of the RSLAF is deployed to operational areas around the borders of Sierra Leone to deter external threats, however, it is thought this role will reduce over the next few years and that more troops will be based in permanent barracks. In order to meet these tasks the RSLAF needs a variety of capabilities. The need for strong, professionally trained, motivated and well –equipped Armed Forces with a full range of military capabilities (including engineering, logistics, medical, and communications will remain if the Government’s policies and aspirations for defence are to be realized and maintained. The RSLAF has played a vital role in the security of this country by not only preserving its territorial integrity but also helping the SLP to maintain law and order.

    Go to RSLAF Bridgades
    Go to RSLAF Airwing
    Go to RSLAF Maritime


    The Joint force Commanders mission is to provide the operational command and military forces with the appropriate capabilities in order to accomplish Sierra Leones defence mission and tasks. In pursuance to his defence mission and task, the Joint Force Commander deploys his operational command and control system with the appropriate capabilities in order to allow MOD contribute to national development using the reform areas:

    The JFC primary role is training and operations. And, in an effort to accomplish our current Defence Mission and task, the JFC currently runs a 3-phase cycle (JFC trg and dev cycle) which operates throughout the force. That simply means one third of the force is on training at any one time whilst one third is on operations and another one third on regimental routine duties. This is ensure that we can effectively train, maintain continuous operations and allow our men to rest at any time taking into consideration the scarce resources at our disposal. The effectiveness and operational readiness of the Bdes/units under command is being confirmed through the conduct of operation Evaluation (opeval) exercise. The JFC Trg and Development Cycle includes
    Training for the RSLAF to be able to meet the demands of its defence mission and tasks, this HQ has embarks in providing continuous training for its personnel under command ranging from individual, collective and training specifics for operations conducted both locally and externally. As you are already aware, the Government of Sierra Leone (GOSL) has committed force to the AU/UN mission in Sudan, Somalia and the sub-region, ESF. To achieve that, effective and efficient training is critical to the generation of a more capable force with the capacity to undertake the range of operations expected of the RSLAF out there. Over the period the courses required for the development of both officers and men career have been provided by this HQ through the support of Ministry of Defence(MOD) and international military Assistance Training Team (IMATT).

    Adult Illiteracy JFC through the armed forces education centre (AFEC) is engaged in an effort to eradicate illiteracy completely in the RSLAF. With the anticipated involvement of the RSLAF in peace support operations at the regional level and then later at UN level this HQ embarked on improving the educational standards of its personnel, in that note, this HQ maintains detachment of training and education centers at all Brigades and Battalions, where classes are conducted for personnel who have got no educational background before coming into the forces as a result of the aftermath of the war. Today the RSLAF conducts classes for basic education certificate examination (BECE) AND WEST AFRICAN SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION (WASCE) in line with the main steam career course. In addition, the entry requirement into the RSLAF now is Basic Education Council Examination (BECE) for recruits and 5 O, LEVELS FOR OFFICERS CADETS

    Consequent to the establishment of the ONS, a new mode of operations such as Military Aid to Civil Power (MACP) and Military Aid to other Authorities (MACA) were instituted under the security sector reform architecture which saw the RSLAF modus operandi changing from its traditional form to a contemporary concept. This concept defines the roles of the RSLAF and the Sierra Leone police (SLP) in maintaining security of the state. The SLP now has primacy in internal security, while the RSLAF is charged with the responsibility to protect the territorial integrity. That said the RSLAF can only be called upon to handle and support the SLP on internal security issue that is beyond their control. The JFC's current operations include;


  • Internal operations - Joint RSLAF/SLP (FBP/FOB). These are standing operations conducted to secure our borders and territorial waters. It involves armed border presence; and robust internal and border patrolling in conjunction with the SLP

  • External operations - SRC. The RSLAF has been engaged in this operation for the past 3 years, with 5 x Companies deployed in Sudan successively, this operation has been discontinued and our last Coy has arrived home safely.

  • Regimental duties - During this cycle of operations, personnel are equally engaged in administrative duties and ceremonial functions such as Battalion duties, parades, Leave etc… at this time, personnel will have the privilege to stay with their families.

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